In today’s digital age, security is one of the most critical aspects of any organization. The increasing number of cyber threats requires a well-equipped security operation center (SOC) to protect an organization’s assets. A successful SOC is a centralized unit that monitors, investigates, and responds to potential security threats in real-time. In this blog, we […]
We are living in a digital world where it becomes utmost necessary to focus on strengthening a company’s security. It is very important to have identity and access management (IAM) solutions in order to safeguard the sensitive data of your organization and pave the way for seamless processes, secure authorization, and faster digital transformation. Identity […]
Over the past couple of years, these cyber attacks are rising at light speed targeting organizations of all sectors. Cyber attacks on cyber security infrastructure have become increasingly more complex and more disruptive which results in the shut-down of systems, disrupting operations, or simply enabling attackers to remotely control affected systems. Eliminating air-gap security in […]
Cyber attacks are increasing on a daily basis. The landscape of the cyber threat is complex as well as alarming. Any organization cannot rely on traditional cybersecurity tools to protect its assets and data from today’s risk and threat actors. Because of this, organizations have started focusing more on cyber security posture. The ability of […]
“Improves your organization’s threat detection, response and prevention capabilities by unifying and coordinating all cyber security technologies and operations with the help of SOC.” What is SOC? A team of IT security professionals that safeguard enterprises by continuously monitoring, detecting, analyzing, and investigating cyber threats is called a security operations center. Networks, servers, computers, endpoint […]
Sennovate to Participate in Third Annual ‘Identity Management Day’ April 11, 2023 Established in 2021 in partnership with the National Cybersecurity Alliance, Identity Management Day, held on the second Tuesday of April, is a day of awareness to educate business leaders, IT decision makers, and the general public about the importance of identity management. Sennovate, […]
In today’s cyber attacks, social engineering threats and trends are the majority and the underlying factor. Social engineering attacks are increasing constantly regardless of whether a cyber criminal’s goal is to directly instigate fraud, gather your credentials or install malware. Cyber attackers continue to defraud, extort and ransom companies for millions of dollars annually despite […]
Cyber threats are expected to grow further in the coming years because of the increasing evolution of technology. The reason for this is the new technological tools that are widely adopted by organizations increase the attack surface, giving space for malicious agents to act. By investing in Privileged Access Management (PAM) is one of the […]
Cyber attacks are increasing on a daily basis. Because of this, cyber security has started focusing more on Security Operations Center (SOC) tools and activities. SOC is a part of much broader scope of cyber defense while it is not possible to deny the importance of the SOC to a company’s security strategy. The effectiveness […]
You are required to know what the activities look like, what the cyber attackers are interested in, and most crucial is to find these activities on your systems and networks while monitoring your network for malicious activities. All you have is a lot of bread crumbs and no definite trail. Threat intelligence helps in this […]
Social media has now become an easy way to access the sensitive information for online crime, including the personal data and professional data. It provides all the things to attackers for social engineering attacks. We are living in the digital world where social media platforms are considered as the best communication medium for both personal […]
Click here to register! Gone are the days of masks and guns for bank and financial institutions robberies. Criminals have shifted to more sophisticated methods to get funds and data. They have shifted from masks and guns to social engineering attacks for scripts and ransomware. From the past few years, there is a drastic increase […]