Although this series is about the payback of migrating to the cloud, not every aspect of moving to the cloud will save money standing alone. In certain situations, the software costs can be greater in the cloud. The main drivers of increased software costs in a cloud environment are the virtualization software and the service […]
Although enterprise applications running on the public cloud are still in the early adopter phase, IT Executives are under pressure to develop a cloud strategy for their enterprise applications. It’s up to them to untangle the cloud “spaghetti” and comprehend the basic economics and capabilities. To effectively start tracking Cloud Payback, first examine the hardware […]
Why EAaaS is More Advantageous than Premises-Based Applications? If you’re reading this, it’s likely that you’re a business process or IT applications professional. Or you’re an innocent bystander interested in Enterprise Applications. Either way, you must be wondering how EAaaS (Enterprise Applications as a Service) can provide a better TCO than traditional infrastructure or private […]